I think we ought to buy as many copies of the book that's needed and send one to each of the ministers and to the secretaries of state in the new government.

The Swedish governmental agencies and institutions are all completely marinated in an ideology that is politicly correct and left wing oriented. The key words of the ideology are "inclusiveness", "feminism" "HBTQ" and something thats called "anti-racism and "structural white supremacy".

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Let’s hope that the new Swedish government realize how important this is and that they need to give these issues a high priority!

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The discussion in the pod about the academic freedom concerns one of the most important issues today. Eric Kaufmanns ideas how to free the political controlled universities is very refreshing and most be spread to people in charge and his ideas to implement ”ombudsmen” is brilliant. Does the politicization of education and research show an ideology's last convulsive attempt to influence a social development over which it is beginning to lose control? The human right for a free political opinion is written in article 2 in the declaration of human rights but is more and more disregarded. A progressive society needs meritocracy in the universities as a tool for success not political control.

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