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Labours hollow victory and the splintering of the right

Labour has little reason to celebrate after their victory. At the same time the British right is more divided than ever before. We also talk about the effects of the assassination attempt on Trump.

A red dawn rises in Britain as Labour wins the election on the fourth of July. The British left has been in shambles for a long time, but is now recapturing governmental powers again after more than a decade. But why is this happening? Is it because Labour leader Keir Starmer is utterly charming and incomparably brilliant? And because Labour has ingenious policy proposals, which fills people with hope? And was all this brilliance the reason that the Tories imploded in the election?

Börja prenumerera!

Not really, as

explains in today’s episode. He’s a political scientist, author and probably the best guy to talk to if you want to understand British politics. We also talk about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, JD Vance which turns out to be Trumps pick for running mate and Swedish politics.

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