Rak höger med Ivar Arpi
Rak höger med Ivar Arpi
Navigating the AI apocalypse with Erik Hoel
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:13:03

Navigating the AI apocalypse with Erik Hoel

With the onslaught of AI, is there any hope for humanity? And is there anything special with human consciousness? Today's guest – Erik Hoel – is not so hopeful of the future.
Erik Hoel. Photo: Julia Buntaine Hoel

Today I'm speaking to Eric Hoel, who’s a neuroscientist, neurophilosopher and fiction writer. I came across his writing on Substack a while back, and his incisive essays about AI and the threat it poses to humanity.

So I reached out to to try and bring him on the podcast to pick his brain, so to speak. But it turned out that he was just finishing up a nonfiction book with the title The World Behind the World: Consciousness, Free Will, and the Limits of Science (Simon & Schuster). Therefore I’m delighted to be able to have him on now, since the book just published.

We speak about artificial intelligence, but also about the other themes in his book which tie in to the subject of AI. And why it is that we still don't understand that much about what consciousness is and how it works. How is it that we succeed in so many fields of science, but we cannot figure out what kind of beings we ourselves really are?

I highly recommend this book if you want to delve deeper into these questions and the science of it. And check out Erik Hoels publication here on Substack. Links below.

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