Intressant tråd om att läsning och tänkande inte alltid har att göra med studier på universitetet. Universitetsstudier kan ibland vara begränsande ffa inom humaniora ochsamhällsvetenskaperna. Kanske inte i lika tydligt inom teknik och naturvetenskap. Själv överutbildad( konstvetenskap , filmvetenskap, något år på Konstfack, fil kand psykologi, läkare samt docent i medicinsk vetenskap) Skulle det inte vara intressant att skriva en artikel om hur högre utbildning paradoxalt nog kan försämra lusten till läsning och kreativitet. Utgångspunkten skulle vara den påtagliga målstyrningen i kursplanerna.Pga forskningsfinansieringen och meriteringssystemen så är det numera svårt för doktorander att själv komma med initiativ. De är numera mest en kugge i meriterings och finansieringssystemet.

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Thank you very much Ivar!

David Goodhart has written the two most intresting books I have read during the last 20 years. He has given an excellent interpretation to the present political division in most industialised societies by coining the concepts "anywheres" and "somewheres".

By academic wording he has used the ideas about distinguish the main rifts in society by using "ideal types" ( a concept developed by Max Weber 1864 -- 1920). He has then used his concepts to analyse political trends and ideas as well as various political decisions made during the last 50 years. By analysing the political decisions he concludes that most of the them have benefited those who went to univerities, who got academic degrees and who lives in big cities or in towns with univerisies and who got jobs where cognitive intelligens and skills are needed.

However, he also clearly indicates that the development towards "academization" of all education probably has reached it's "peak head". By automatization and the use of all artificial intelligens (AI) these kind of jobs in the near future will be reduced considerably. It has already started and many young people have had to find jobs where their academic theoretical education is of no use.

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